RS8 — Wideband HF & V/UHF Channel Simulator

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RS8 can simulate HF and V/UHF channel conditions for reproducible performance evaluation of waveforms and modems such as MIL-STD-188-110C solutions.
The RS8 is fully controllable via the front panel or remotely via a PC GUI using the RAP1/RIPC protocol.
HF conditions are simulated using an enhanced Watterson-Coon Channel model that includes the addition of radio filters at the input and output plus the ability to handle up to five paths and a time-varying Doppler offset. Wide bandwidths of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 & 24 kHz can be tested. Fixed frequency, FSK waveform and Swept Continuous Wave channel interference simulation are also available in the RS8. With a maximum system delay of 25ms, the RS8 can be used for ALE 3G testing with a zero k parameter.
For V/UHF, a modified Jakes fading model simulates the channel conditions with up to 16 relatively independent Rayleigh fading waveforms providing a full scattering parabolic Doppler spectrum. Bandwidths of 25, 12.5 & 6.25 kHz are supported and additional transceiver frequency error offset can be applied.
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Tactical Communication
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RS8 can simulate HF and V/UHF channel conditions for reproducible performance evaluation of waveforms and modems such as MIL-STD-188-110C solutions.