High Performance Signal Processing
There's some amazing work in high performance signal processing hardware, firmware and software happening in South Africa, supporting many cutting-edge radio astronomy observatories in construction across the tip of the mother continent.
Peralex: SKARAB and SP4000
In late January 2016, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs gathered at the University of Cape Town for the HPSPSA conference co-located with a CASPER workshop to present papers, discuss progress and learn on the latest high performance computing hardware and software available to this exciting community. Cyntony partner Peralex Electronics debuted its SKARAB and SP4000 extreme-scale networked computing and storage products.
Researchers and technologists from around the world attended the event, and given the close proximity of Peralex to UCT, many of their outstanding crew were also present. Pictured below are engineers Gavin Teague, Matthew Bridge, me and Alex Bassios, co-founder of Peralex. Apologies to other crew members not pictured.Peralex's Hardware Design Manager, Clifford van Dyk, made an excellent presentation and demonstration of the SKARAB FPGA supercomputer running flawless full rate 40 GbE and speedy reconfigurations of the FPGA and interfaces. This was SKARAB's official "Hello World."
You can view his slides on our Knowledge Center, or here. Attendees were also treated to a sneak peek at the SP4000C and SP4000L extreme-scale networked storage pods that are coming soon.
So if you are looking for state-of-the-art streaming data processing, keep attuned to the folks who listen to the universe...they push the boundaries of technology in their quest to unravel mysteries of our existence.