Posts about "Measurement"
How to Viewshed with Radio Mobile (Rebel Edition)
Mount Independence Cyntony is located in historic Lexington, Massachusetts, home of the “shot heard ‘round the world” that started the American War...
Antenna Materials Sourcing | What You Should Know
When purchasing a military-grade antenna, consumers should be aware of the materials being used to ensure they meet the necessary specifications and...
Antenna Production and Safety Standards | ISO 9001
Does your antenna supplier meet or exceed all regulations and ISO certifications? Federal regulations determine baseline safety and production...
Effectiveness, Quality, Satisfaction | Cyntony Antenna Partners
Cyntony prides itself on vetting our partner organizations fully -- and only working with the absolute top-tier of development and manufacturing...
Antenna Service and Delivery Standards
When it comes to delivery times and service standards, not all antenna suppliers are created equal. Cyntony partners exclusively with providers we...
Choosing the Right Antenna Supplier
Choosing an antenna that suits your needs involves a number of considerations – from device specifications like gain, pattern, form factor, and...
Converting AOAs to LOBs — a DF & Compass Game
Radio direction finding (DF) is all about the angles... lots of them. Different conventions apply, specifics of implementation matter, and the...
Tempest in a teapot—what can SKARAB reveal for you?
Finding the Center of the Galaxy Summer in the northern hemisphere is a great time to view the constellation Sagittarius by looking south and left of...
Busting Watson Watt DF ambiguity - maths edition
A previous blog post introduced the hybrid loop-Adcock antenna, which, in a crossed configuration, is excellent for Watson Watt (WW) radio direction...
Mashup of classic DF antennas - 1000X better!?
Early Direction Finding Innovation One early Direction Finding (DF) antenna innovation that stands the test of time is delineated in Frank Adcock's...
The key to RPAS, UAS and drone detection
Drones are all the rage. These amazing machines offer fun capabilities like aerial photography and videography—even racing! However, they can also...
So how do you measure J/S anyway?
It is surprisingly simple to measure jamming (J) to signal (S) ratio, once you get your head around the implications of the J/S equation. Ends up...
How much J/S do you REALLY need?
Electronic warfare is making the news a lot lately. Not only do our adversaries employ, or seek to employ, sophisticated capabilities, the US Third...
Rubber beats steel...for manpack antennas, anyway
Manpack antennas that lack flexible connections to electronics housings are destined for short lifetimes. There are a few options for adding the...
How much DF sensitivity do you REALLY need?
When evaluating relative merits of a direction finding system, most folks focus on 'accuracy,' which is generally a measure of the quality of the ...
How much antenna gain do you REALLY need?
Customers often ask us to help select antennas to assure sufficient range of their wireless communication systems. Providing an answer, though...
How much DF accuracy do you REALLY need?
Let's take a look at the practice of radio direction finding, and the levels of accuracy needed for different DF applications. Radio Direction...
DF Calibration on the Veld
Obtaining excellent performance from a complex electromagnetic device like a correlative interferometric direction finding antenna system is...
Decoding DF accuracy specs - a primer
Direction Finding Antenna Performance Direction finding antennas are complex devices, so it is surprising that some people try to boil their...
VSWR :: Return Loss and all that
Originally Published 5/28/2011 When introduced to return loss in the context of antenna impedance matching, my first thought was 'the RF gurus must...
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